Saturday, November 9, 2013

Photoshop Tutorial

Hello Class!

Please watch this video tutorial for Adobe Photoshop Editor:

Photoshop Tutorial

Try your best to remember how to use this tool (take notes if you need to!).  In our next class session, we will continue to use Photoshop to edit our art pieces.


Please study this infographic over these major art movements... you never know when you might be quizzed over this information.

The Visual Elements

Hello Class!

This week, we will be covering the visual elements of art.  Please review the concept map shown above.  In our next class, we will continue into further detail over each of these seven elements.

Word Cloud:

Well class... this is a word cloud.  Each of you will make your own word cloud for this week's assignment.  You can create this image by clicking on the following link:


In this word cloud, I would like for each of you to include your name, the year (2013), and various words that describe the art that you enjoy.  Once you have completed your word cloud, please post the image back onto this blog.  In our next classroom session, we will print these out, and put them to good use!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Assignment 1

Hello, Class!

This week I would like for each of you to view the following PowToon video:

PowToon Video

After you view this video, I would like for each of you to search google images to find an image that contains foreground, middleground, and background.  Once you find your image, please write a comment back on this post explaining what the foreground, middleground, and background in your image is.  If you can, please attach your image with your comment as well.

Here is an example:

FOREGROUND: the land with the lake
MIDDLEGROUND: the mountains

Having trouble understanding these concepts? Check this out: Capzles

If you are unable to attach your image, please bring a copy of it to our next class.

I'm looking forward to covering these concepts with y'all in our next session!